Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Casen's 1st Laugh

This was the funniest thing ever. Well, maybe not ever, but it was pretty good. Keep your eye on the rattle being tossed into the air by Cavan. Thank goodness for an easy going Casen.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Brian Head trip

Well, we decided to take a little trip up to Brian Head, Utah to get away from things. It was actually a really nice time for Cavan and I to be together and enjoy Casen. So here are a few highlights...
Cavan was way excited to have Casen in the snow. If you couldn't tell. :)

Casen wasn't so sure. It was pretty windy. He's already got San Diego blood flowing through his veins. Spoiled.

Don't tell Grandma Rogers about this one. For those of you concerned...he has crazy layers on and it was only for about 2 seconds...enough to take the picture. I love that face :)

And thats what he thinks about that. As my friend Melissa said...it says it all in their faces.

This is the second day. He was getting used to all the layers. I loved that hat. We got it as a shower gift and I thought we would never get to use it. It was nice to have. Jacob told me I should edit the picture because of the scratch on the nose. I love it.

Casen and I bundled up good so we could go see Cavan attempt to snowboard in the crazy snow storm. It was coming down like crazy.

We tried to stay out of the snow while we waited for Cavan to come down the mountain. It felt like forever. I was trying to get a picture of Casen watching the snow in this shot. I think he was falling asleep.

This was the best. Casen found himself in the mirror at a store we walked in to and he kept smiling and talking to his reflection. He did this for a couple minutes too. It was awesome.

We were walking through another store and Cavan looked over at me and started busting up. This is what Casen looked like. He was making some nice drool bubbles. If you can't tell there was a long string of drool hanging down too.

Despite the crazy snow we had, it was overall a fun trip. It's fun to see Casen react to new environments. He is such a happy kid and we love to see him smile.